Long Island Museum Association Professional Development Grants
The Long Island Museum Association (LIMA) will award three grants annually for any national, regional, state, or local conference, workshop, or seminar that promotes the professional development of member institutions.
• One (1) award, not exceeding $500, open to application by all member institutions
• Two (2) awards, each not exceeding $250, open to application by member institutions with operating budgets below $150,000
Rules and Guidelines
• One application per annum per organization filed by one person
• Awards may be applied to conference fees, airfare and other travel expenses, hotel accommodations, and other related activities
• LIMA will not fund entertainment, food, and beverage expenses
• Applicant institutions must match the funds awarded by LIMA
• Applicants awarded grants will submit to LIMA written reports on the sessions attended at their conferences, along with documentation of expenses. Reports will include recommendations of session presenters who would be potential presenters at future LIMA roundtables. Recommendations will include mailing addresses, email addresses, and business phone numbers.
Application Process
• Applicants will submit a letter which includes the name of your organization; conference you wish to attend; reason for attendance; and amount requested from LIMA
• If an applicant is not the Director of the organization, a letter of support from the organization’s Director should be included. If an applicant is the Director, a letter of support from the organization's Board President should be included.
• Applicants will include promotional information on the conference. Please note that LIMA must receive applications no later than 8 weeks prior to the conference.
• Applicants will include a budget that breaks down the costs of attendance, including what LIMA's funds will be used for and what the applicant institution will fund.
• Applications will be accepted for review starting in January for each calendar year. Awards will be granted on a first-come first-served basis until all grants are disbursed. Applications received after funds are dispersed will be returned for re-submission, if applicable, the following year.
• Applications should be sent to LIMA's mailing address at
PO BOX 1063
Huntington NY 11743